Current Release: 25.01.02 (01/02/25)

Latest Video:

Release Notes: 25.01.02

Total Runtime: 2:56

Click here for more information


This section will focus on Candidate records within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.


This section will focus on Contacts records within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.


This section will focus on Company records within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.

Leads & Requirements

This section will focus on the Leads & Requirements within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.


This section will focus on Placements within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.


Calendar & Tasks

This section will focus on the Calendar and Tasks within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.


This section will focus on the Search within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.



This section will focus on the standard integrations available within the Colleague.


This section will focus on the Admin area within the Colleague application, looking at the layout, features and workflows.



This section will give you access to user and admin training playlist designed to assist new users of Colleague.

Customer Survey

We have setup a Customer Feedback Survey to give users the ability to feedback areas of concern and request any specific features.


User Guides

This section will provide written User Guides on features and workflows within the Colleague application.


Development Release Notes

This section will give you access to the release notes of each fortnightly build of Colleague, including both enhancements and bug fixes.


Product Roadmap

If you would like to keep up to date with news and enhancements regarding Colleague, please join our mailing list.



Maintenance Schedule

This section will give you foresight to any known periods of downtime, including upgrades and server maintenance.


Support Team

Our dedicated support team are on hand to assist with your user and/or technical queries. Please contact us via email or telephone.


Colleague API

Click here if you would like to go to the Colleague API.

Access requires sign up, subscription and authorisation being granted by Colleague Software.


API Access Details

This area will advise how to gain access to the Colleague API and which API features are available.


Colleague API Status Test

Click here if you would like to perform an API test to check whether the API is currently responsive. This will require the subscription key and user ID that you using with your API call requests. The check will produce a list of names from your Users table. If the check does not respond, this will indicate an issue with the API.