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EnhancementsREPORTS - Continue to Replace SSRS Reports & Update Reports Section Further to the reporting enhancements delivered in the previous sprint (22.11.01), we have continued to update our standard reports and have updated the Reports page to list these in a table with descriptions.
REQUIREMENT - Ability to set Main Contact on Interview When arranging an Interview (or editing an existing Interview), it is now possible to set anyone of the attending Contacts as the 'Main Contact'. The 'Main Contact' populates the 'To' field when sending the interview details, all other attending Contacts are sent in the 'CC' field.
CHECKLISTS - Column 'Options' configuration added to Checklists Users will now be able to configure which columns appear in the Checklists table for all associated entities. This functionality works the same as all other table 'Options'.
REQUIREMENT - Archived Candidates option based on UGP Previously the 'Include Archived Candidates' option would appear on the Requirement Candidates table in all circumstances. There was also a Global Setting which sets whether this field is 'Yes' or 'No' by default. Whether this option appears for the user will now be defined by the User Group Permission: 'View Archived Records'
Minor UI Updates:
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Bug FixesQuick Search on Entity Data following Name Change It was raised that following the update of a record name, when searching via the quick search. it would not find associated Placements based on the new name. This has now been resolved.
Prevent Editing Original File When Editing Attachments Before Sending It was raised that when editing an attachment to an email, it was editing the original file stored against another record. This whole process has been updated now, so that when sending documents via the email form in Colleague, it will now create a temporary document ID for the attachment. This means that if the user then edits this specific document, it will not edit the original file. There is then a process which runs overnight to remove these temporary document IDs.
Summary Tab JQuery Versioning issue It was raised that when running the Candidate Summary View, it would have a knock on effect to some of the other workflows on the Candidate record. This was due to clashes in JQuery versioning. This has now been resolved.
Issue with Removing Document from Requirement Checklist Item - Should not Delete the Original Document Further to recent updates, when attaching a document to a Checklist Item it should add that document to the record and not be deleted if removed from the checklist (for auditing purposes). However, it was raised that when adding an existing document from another record to a Requirement Checklist item if you then removed that document it would delete the original file. This actually proved to be orphaning the document as opposed to deleting it, however in any case the original document should always remain. This has now been resolved.
Requirement Date Amended is Updating When Being Opened It was noted that when opening a Requirement record the 'Date Amended' fields were being updated. This was caused by the Margin and Potential Value fields being auto-calculated as the record was opened. This has now been resolved.
Requirement Candidate API Method Passing Only Date (not Date/Time) For clients utilising the API for integrations, it was raised that Requirement Candidate records which are created or updated via the API would be date stamped with the creation/editing date at midnight. It did not include the time of the event. This has now been resolved.
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