Welcome to the Companies section

Please watch our short videos for run throughs on the different functionality within this area.


Social Media Links

Please watch our short video on how to use Social Media Links within Colleague.

Runtime: 2:17

Linked Candidates

Please watch our short video on how to use the Linked Candidates feature within Colleague.

Runtime: 2:11

Create A History

Please watch our short video on how to create a history within Colleague.

Runtime: 3:22

Sending An Email

Please watch our short video on how to send emails within Colleague.

Runtime: 7:35


Add To & Removing From Lists

Please watch our short video on how to add a record to a list within Colleague.

Runtime: 2:26


Recent Items

Please watch our short video on how to access Recent Items in Colleague.

Runtime: 1:35


Record Ownership

Please watch our short video on how to assign Record Ownership within Colleague.

Runtime: 1:51


Setting The Default Tab

Please watch our short video on how to set the default tab in Colleague.

Runtime: 1:06

Alert Settings

Please watch our short video on how to setup Alert Levels within Colleague.

Runtime: 1:31

Map Search

Please watch our short video on how to use the map search in Colleague.

Runtime: 0:56

Editing Documents

Please watch our short video on how to edit a document in Colleague.

Runtime: 1:47

Placement Checklists

Please watch our short video on how to administer Placement Checklists in Colleague.

Runtime: 5:47