Release Notes - 24.07.02 (July 24)

Release: This release consists of the development undertaken under the sprints: 24.07.01 & 24.07.02.

Key Features: Suggested Candidates on Requirements, Ability to hide 'Private' Calendar Entries in Calendar and Daily Planner, Type Added to Company Lookups & Selection Screen and more...

Upgrade Date: 4/08/24



REQUIREMENT - 'Suggested Candidates' on Requirements

When in a Requirement, there is now a 'Suggested Candidates' feature. When pressed, this will:

  • Scan the Job Description for Skills
  • Build a Boolean Search String based on the Job Title of the Requirement and the skills found in the Job Description
  • Search the Candidates 'CVs' index for all Candidates with CVs matching the Job Title and any of the skills found in the Job Description
  • Filter out any Candidates already Longlisted against the Requirement
  • List the Candidates in a table, sorted by their Rank score


With those results, the User can then:

  • Filter the Candidates based on their distance from the Requirement (Radius Search).
  • Review the Candidate's CV (either via View Documents/View Text) same as when in the Search.
  • Use the Summary View to look at summarised display of the Candidate record (including checking Skills and History)
  • Select one or mulitple Candidates and Longlist to the Requirement


There are two Global Settings associated to this feature, both under the Requirement folder:

  • The Notes section to scan for the Job Description
  • The Default Distance when running the Suggested Candidates Workflow

There is also an 'Advanced Search' option, which gives the User the ability to create a Candidate Search using Skills, Radius and Text searching. This process navigates away from the Requirement and opens a Candidate Search (with an option to go back to the Requirement).


COMPANY - Type added to Company Lookups & Selection Screen

The Company Type field has been added to the Company Selection Screen and Company Lookup for more specific searching:

The 'Company Name' field has also been added to the Contact Lookup to ensure Company based searching also:


CALENDAR - Ability to hide 'Private' Calendar Entries in Calendar and Daily Planner

The Calendar in Colleague is fully synchronised wth your 365 Calendar in Outlook.

However, there are scenarios when it is not appropriate for other Users to view your personal Calendar entries or you may wish to keep the view of your Calendar in Colleague as a 'work only' schedule.

There are two key updates:

  1. There is now a Global/User Setting which gives the ability to filter out 'Private' Calendar entries.
  2. Regardless of the above setting, when viewing another Users Calendar within Colleague, via Calendar and/or Daily Planner, it will filter out 'Private' Calendar entries.

You can set your Calendar entry as 'Private' within the Outlook, using this feature:


TIMESHEETS/CHARGES - PO Number added to Import Timesheets/Import Charges

Within Back Office > Import Timesheets and/or Import Charges, we have updated the import process to allow for the PO Number to be included in the spreadsheet.

The import process will look for 'PO Number' or 'PONumber' as the column heading.

This has been added to the sample download spreadsheets provided:

 Example Timesheet Spreadsheet  
 Example Charge Spreadsheet  


If the PO Number already exists against the Placement or Company, it will set the PO Number against the Timesheet/Charge using the existing PO.

If the PO Number does not exist, it will create a new Placement PO against the associated Placement.


SAGE INTEGRATION - PO Number will now be pulled through into Sage

The 'Colleague to Sage' App has been updated so that it will now pass the Puchase Order Number held on the Invoice record through to your Sage account.


CONTACT - Additional Fields added to Mark as Leaver Process

The 'Mark As Leaver' process on the Contact record has been updated with the option to copy the below extra fields:

  • Secondary Email Address
  • Direct Number
  • Mailshot Status


LOGIN - Microsoft 365 Admin Approval Settings with Colleague

The Colleague login process has been updated to recognise additional Admin consent settings within 365 permissions.


REPORT - BobCheck Report

BobCheck autonomously tracks your candidates employment history for changes and will alert you if they, or your clients, have gone 'behind your back’.

Colleague now offers a standard report, which generates a list of all the Candidates sent to a client (within a specified date range) but were not then placed.

This report is called 'BobCheck Extract'.

The output provides the required data in a CSV export, which can then be passed to BobCheck.



Minor UI Tweaks

Formatted CV - Update to Work History and Education Table merge fields

The default merge field for the work history and education table has been updated to remove an unwanted carriage return between the Job title and the Job Description.


Recent Items, Lists and Quick Search Results on Placements - Email Addresses will now trigger the Email form

When viewing Placement records, via Recent Items, Lists or Quick Search Results, the email address fields would be linked to the Placement record. These will now prompt the email form to be sent to the selected email address.


Bug Fixes

Images containing Brackets in Filename Issue

It was raised that when uploading an image to an email or template, using the Text Editor within the Colleague UI, if the image file contained a bracket in the file name, it would show the image as blank.

This has now been resolved.


Email History Tooltip in the Campaigns area

Within the Campaigns area, the tooltip on Email Histories would show the HTML code of the tooltip rather than the formatted display.

This has now been resolved.


Admin > Checklists > Adding a new checklist item - the 'Completed Status' not saving correctly

When adding a new Checklist Item (within Admin), if you set the default 'Completed Status' it would not save correctly when creating the Checklist Item.

This has now been resolved.


Finish Date Reminder form looks out of place

The spacing on the 'Finish Date Reminder' form on a Contract Placement needed some tidying up. This has now been done.


Checklists configured to require a document can still be marked as 'Complete' without a document in certain circumstances

Following the last release, it was noted that it was still possible to get around the setting to restrict the completion of a Checklist Item without a document.

This has now been resolved.