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EnhancementsSummary View added to the Contact Selection Screen The Summary View is now available within the Contact Selection Screen. This works the same as it does on Candidate Selection Screen and Search area. On selection of a Contact (or mulitple Contacts), you will see the Summary View icon appear (top right). This will allow you to see details regarding the Contact, create a history and view documents, without needing to go into the record:
Upload Payment Advice Document We recently added the ability to upload a revised invoice document to an Invoice record (within List Invoices). We have now added this same ability within the List Payments area.
Default sorting order of Selection Screen results On the Selection Screens, the results will now appear in the descending order of the record IDs (not ascending). So the most recent records will be first. Please ensure the Record ID is the first column of your table for this to work as expected.
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Bug FixesError attaching PDF Documents It was raised that when attaching PDF documents which contained certain characters or was a file of a certain size that an error would occur. The upload process has now been updated to allow for a greater length of time when handling uploads and the storage method of this file type has been updated to allow for multi-character types. This resolves the uploads errors which were being experienced.
Table alignment issues It was raised that when viewing Placement Timesheets, Charges and the Invoice Schedule, on occasion the column rows would not align with the column headings. This has now been resolved.
'Create Requirement' icon disappears when using the 'Back Button' When on the Company and Contact record on the Requirements tab, there is an 'Options' icon to choose the columns you see on the Requirements table. On pressing 'Options' and then the back button, the other icon on the page to 'Create Requirement' would disappear. This has now been resolved.
When changing a Company Address the Contact count is lost When on a Company > Addresses tab, there is now a count on the number of Contacts associated with an address. It was noted that when editing an address this count would disappear. This has been resolved.
Backdate Emails alert appears even if no Email Address exists It was noted that when registering a Candidate or Contact, the 'Backdate Emails' option would appear (if enabled to do so) even if there was no email address entered. There is now a check to ensure that an email address has been entered before this alert appears.