Release Notes - 21.02.02

Sprint Goal: Allow for a user to enter Pay and Charge rates when Longlisting a Candidate and improve the quality of PDFs generated from the system.

Upgrade Date: 07/03/21



Charge And Pay Rate When Longlisting Candidate

This release introduces the ability to include monetary fields when longlisting or shortlisting a Candidate to a Requirement.

This is enabled using two Global Settings under the Requirement section:

  1. Include Pay, Charge & Salary Fields when adding Candidate to Requirement? Yes/No
  2. Set Pay, Charge & Salary Fields as mandatory when adding Candidate to Requirement? Yes/No    

If option 1 is set to 'Yes', but option 2 is set to 'No', the fields will appear but not be mandatory

If both option 1 & 2 are set to 'Yes', these fields will become mandatory to the workflow.

If you are longlisting the Candidate to a Contract Requirement, it will show Pay & Charge rates. If you are longlisting to a Permanent Requirement it will show Salary.

Specifically this is when running the 'Link to Requirement' workflow from the Candidate record and/or the 'Longlist a Candidate' workflow from the Requirement record.


New HMRC Type field on Candidate Payment Details

There is now an additional field held on the Candidate record (under Payment Details) to track the Candidate 'HMRC Type'.

As standard, all systems will be pre-populated with the default HMRC Types:

  • Self Employed Contractor
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Partnership
  • Limited Company
  • Non UK Engagement
  • Another Party PAYE

Create History from Requirement Candidate - Tasks Option & Ability to Link Associated Records

When creating a History against a Candidate longlisted to a Requirement, it will now use the main History form including the options to 'Create Diary', 'Create Task' and 'Link Associated Records' to the History.

Bug Fixes

Ensure optimal PDF quality when generating PDF document

The process of creating a PDF document, either via the 'Create Document' workflow on any entity type or the Invoice/Payment document generation process, has now been upgraded to use Microsoft Tools when building the PDF.

This ensures high quality PDF files are generated, including Headers & Footers.


Social Media Links issue when dealing with Duplication Check

A change has been made when adding Social Media Links due to an issue that could occur during the duplication check. This was a data specific issue and not wide spread, however the fix will ensure this does not occur in future.

Updates to the Extend/Amend Placements in relation to the Invoice Schedule and Placement Checklists

Further to the additon of the 'Invoice Schedule' in the previous sprint, there were some unforseen knock on effects to the Amendment, Extension and Checklist workflows. This was resolved as a hotfix during the sprint.


Import Records - Issue importing a CSV file

Further error handling has been added to the system to account for scenarios when importing CSVs into Colleague.

The specific scenario was an email address containing a comma. There is now a validation check on the formatting of the email address.

Documents Received - Improved Error Handling

Additional error handling was added to the Documents Received area. This includes three retries in the event of MS Graph not responding to a request for a User's email data. There is also improved error tracking and alert management, so that better descriptions are provided in the event of an issue retrieving the User's emails.


Reference Number not being displayed in History when creating Requirement record

When creating a new Requirement, a new History is added to the Contact record, however the Requirement ID within the history text was not populating correctly. This has now been resolved.


'No Company Address' message on Candidate

It was noted that if a Candidate record had no address the default message advised 'No Company Address'. This has been fixed to say 'No Candidate Address'.