Release Notes - 20.12.01

Sprint Goal: Allow for a user to link other records to history log entries and to search on 'Lists' created by and/or shared by another user.

Upgrade Date: 14/12/20



Link History to Multiple Records

This release introduces the ability to associate other records to History logs (when created via the 'Create History' option on a record).

When creating a history, you will find the option to link other records to the history via a Quick Search lookup:

  • Linked Records are added via the plus icon
  • Linked Records are removed via the bin icon
  • The originating record of the history will appear by default
  • Any Linked Records will also show the associated history on their records as well



Search On Lists

This release allows users to run searches against their own Lists.

Within the main Search, against all entities, there will be an option to select 'Lists':

This will include any shared lists.

With the ability to build search results from Lists, users now have the means to run bulk workflow such as Email & SMS against their Hot Lists.


Report Teams

It is now possible to setup unique Team structures for reporting purposes only, separate to record ownership.

Within Admin against the Reports row, there is now an option called 'Report Teams'. Access to this area is on the basis of a User Group Permission.

The layout of this page is the same as the 'Teams' page.

On the original 'Teams' page there is also now an option against each Team to define whether the Team is for 'Reporting', 'Ownership' or 'All'.

Teams defined under 'Reporting' or 'All' will appear in the 'Report Teams' area.

This will allow administrators to build Team structures which are for reporting purposes only.


Notes, Work History & Education merge fields on Candidate

In order to fully enable users with the ability to create a Formatted CV Template, you now have the option to use Notes, Work History and Education merge fields when creating a Candidate Document / Template.

There are 5 different Notes merge fields, one for each available on the Notes tab.

When using the Work History and Education merge fields, these will list the Employment and Education of the Candidate (as per the Experience tab) ordered by most recent to oldest, including any Skills associated to the experience.



Send Candidate Spec CV from Contact Record

Users will now be able to run the Spec CV workflow from the Contact record (as well as the Candidate).

All pre-existing workflows, such as creating a Requirement from a successful Spec CV will also work from the Contact as expected.


'Copy Skills' label, changes based on the selected tick boxes

We recently added a 'Copy Skills' option on the Skills tab of the Contact and Company.

This has now been modified so the label 'Copy Skills' updates to reflect the selected tickboxes.


Bug Fixes

Issue Skill Searching following Skill Description Edit

If you edited a skill description, skill searching by description would no longer work correctly for that skill code.

This has now been resolved.


Issue with Scan Document

In the event that you had the same skill child under multiple parents, it would cause the Scan Document feature to crash.

This has now been resolved.


Issues with Authorising Placements

An issue when authorising Placements & Extensions in certain scenarios has now been resolved.

This was deployed as a hotfix during the sprint.