Release Notes - 20.04.01

Sprint Goal: Update the API with the means to create Experience records and begin the project to integrate Colleague 7 with a Timesheet Portal provider.

Upgrade Date: 19/04/20



Right Click Menu on Search Results

This release introduces the ability to right click on a search result (when records have been selected), and choose options from the 'Selected Records' menu.


Minor Updates to the Main Login Page

Updated config settings for the slides and updated images for reduced loading times.


API - Ability to create Experience records against Candidates

This release adds the ability to retrieve, insert and update Candidate Experience records (Situations) from the API


Default User Merge Fields (All Entities)

Against each of the main entity records, there are now a standard set of 'Consultant' username fields, which can merge in details about the user who is running the workflow. These merge fields are:

  • Consultant Username
  • Consultant Known As
  • Consultant Job Title
  • Consultant Email Address
  • Consultant Telephone Number


Bug Fixes

Experience Deletion Issue

There was an issue spotted with the way the Experience tab on a Candidate record refreshes when handling records that are not linked with a Placement. This has now been resolved.


Interview Date And Time Not Pulling Through (only with Multiple Participants)

When emailing interview details to all participants, there was an issue which caused merge fields to not populate correctly for all apart from the first recipient. This has now been resolved.


Sprint Review

Work undertaken between: 31/03/20 – 13/04/20

Watch our short video summarising the work undertaken in this sprint.

Runtime: 3:04