Release Notes - 20.02.01

Sprint Goal: Finalise the Back Office workflow required to bulk email invoices from Colleague 7 including all associated documents.

Upgrade Date: 23/02/20



Back Office - List Invoices - Send Invoice

This release introduces the ability to send Invoices via email to the associated invoice contacts.

From within Back Office > List Invoices, there is now an 'Email Invoices' option. Once you have selected the necessary invoices, you can press 'Email Invoices' and it will produce an email form.

Here you can enter the email body text and use Contact merge codes or templates as required.

You can also select to include supporting documentation which has been uploaded against the Timesheet or Charge.

When sent, the emails are then processed via the background service and will automatically include the invoice document that has been generated against the invoice as an attachment.


Option To Add Multiple Contacts to Interviews

When arranging an Interview on a Requirement, it is now possible to add mulitple participants (Contacts) to the Interview.

Email options have been extended to included an option for 'All Participants' which will ensure all Contacts are included.

In addition, on the Interview record, all participants will be listed.


Update Main Search process to be Store Procedure driven (Performance)

The main Search (Candidate/Company/Contact/Requirement) has been updated to be store procedure driven. This improves both the performance of the Search and the maintenance of the Search ongoing.


Attach Document option on Timesheets & Charges

Authorised users can now attach Documents to both Timesheets and Charges (when in a level 2 authorised Contract placement).

When in a Timesheet (or Charge), there will be an option to 'Show Documents'. Pressing this option will launch a partial view containing a list of documents associated to the record (with preview) and allow you add/remove documents as required.


API - Login Process

As part of our portal integration project, this release introduces a login process to the API for Candidates.

The method allows for a Candidate Username & Password to be checked against the Candidates table for a match. In the event of a match it will return the Candidate ID.


Add email form to Quick Search

This release introduces the ability to email candidates/contacts/companies from the Quick Search using email fields (Email Address, Email Address 2, Company Email).

On selection of an email address, it will launch the email form allowing for accessing to merge codes and templates specific to the entity type.


Add Options to Quick Search

Within the context menu of Quick Search results, there will now be an Options icon which allow a user to specify the desired fields they would like to see per entity type within Quick Search results and Selection Screens.


Bug Fixes

Saved Search Message

When in the Search, previously a user could only save an existing search if the criteria or record count had changed. This restriction has now been removed.


Help With Accuracy of Quick Search Results

The weighting behind an entity name has now been increased to ensure that if a user searches on a name, and it finds a record with a match, it will rank the finding of a record based on name higher than a record found on the basis of other fields (such as email or street name).


'Last Timesheet Date’ field appears even when on a Permanent Placement

When on a Permanent Placement, the 'Last Timesheet Date' field would appear at the bottom of the record despite this only being relevant to a Contract or Rolling Contract Placement. This has now been removed.


Ability to do just a NOT Search via Skill Criteria

During the sprint, it was raised that you could not perform a skill criteria based search solely using the NOT command. This has now been resolved.


Sprint Review

Work undertaken between: 04/02/20 – 17/02/20

Watch our short video summarising the work undertaken in this sprint.

Runtime: 9:35