Release Notes - 19.12.01

Sprint Goal: As a second phase of works to the Lists functionality, deliver the ability to share lists with other specified Users/Teams.

Upgrade Date: 15/12/19



Option to Share Lists (With User/Team)

This release introduces the option to share a User's List with other Users or Teams.

The option to share a list applies to all Lists except for 'Favourites' and is set via List Maintenance within User Settings.

A shared List will appear in the User's List dropdown showing the List name and, in brackets, the User who has shared the List.


Allow for Multi Selection of Skills

Following this release, a User may add or remove multiple Skills to a record via multi selection.

  • Holding down the Ctrl key allows a User to select mulitple skills in different skill parent folders
  • Holding down the Shift key selects a range of skills
  • Holding down Ctrl+Shift will combine the above and add a range of skills to an existing selection of skills

This functionality is available on the skills tab on all entity records that use Skills (including the Experience record on Candidates).

This does not include Skill Criteria on the Search. This will be done in the next sprint.


Colleague 7 Timeout Handling

This release introduces new handling to prevent disconnections through session timeouts.

Whenever a user clicks within the page, or presses a key, the page makes a call to the server (provided at least 30 seconds have passed since the last call to the server was made) that keeps the HTTP session active.

In addition should a user approach the timeout, a warning will be shown with a countdown from 60 seconds to timeout. Pressing any key or clicking anywhere including the 'click here' part of the dialogue will make the appropriate server call to refresh the session.

If a user ignores this timeout message and allows it to count down they'll be returned to the login screen with a message to inform them their connection has timed out due to inactivity.

Default session duration is 20 minutes.


Requirement > Ability to 'Remove' More Than One Candidate

Users are now able to remove more than one Candidate at a time from a Requirement.

In the event of a Candidate not being removed due to them progressing beyond the Longlisted or Shortlisted stage, the User will be advised on which Candidates were not removed.


Interview, Offer, Placement Selection Screen - Placed By default setting

There are now additional Global and User Settings for the Interview, Offer and Placement selection screens. These settings default the User list when you are searching on Records:

  • When using the Interview Selection Screen - you can set whether by default the "Arranged By" User is your user (Current User) or 'View All'
  • When using the Offer Selection Screen - you can set whether by default the "Offered By" User is your user (Current User) or 'View All'
  • When using the Placement Selection Screen - you can set whether by default the "Placed By" User is your user (Current User) or 'View All'


Allow PO to be Added to a Level 2 Authorised Placement

You can now add a PO number to a Level 2 Authorised Placement if you have the relevant User Group Permissions.


Workflows Updated to Respond to the ‘Enter’ Key

When running the below workflows, the system will now treat the use of the 'Enter' key as if pressing the 'OK' option:

  • Company and Contact: Create New Address
  • All Relevant Entities: Adding Social Media Link URL

Users can also now press: 'Ctrl + Enter' to send an Email and/or SMS.

Broadbean Stylesheet Update

When posting to Broadbean, the posting interface will now use the Broadbean stylesheet which will appear more user friendly and branded.


Bug Fixes

Browser Back Button Issues on Creation

When creating any new entity records it will now make sure the browser back button does not take you back to the creation page. This stops the risk of duplicate records being created. The back button would instead take the user to whereever they were before they began creating the record.


Hide/Unhide/Remove option resets the Search Results table

Previously, when a User would Hide/Unhide or Remove a record from a Search Result it would refresh the Search Result table taking the User back to the beginning of the Search Result. We have now made sure the Datatable on the Search does not refresh and keeps you on the same page.

Rewrite Candidate Selection Screen to Freetext Searching for Performance Gains

The Candidate Selection Screen has been rewritten in parts so that when searching the First Name, Surname, Email and Telephone Numbers it uses free text searching (same functionality as Quick Search). This improves the time it takes to run searches via this method.

Note: In order to support Freetext Searching, we have needed to drop 'Contains' as an option from the Wildcard options.


An issue with Recognising Duplicate URL

It was noted that in instances where URLs finished with a backslash, if the same URL was entered without an ending backslash it would not determine it a duplicate URL. This has now been resolved.


Remove Offer Date after Undo Placement

When running the 'Undo Placement' workflow from an unauthorised Placement it would not remove the Offer date on the associated Requirement record. This has now been resolved.

SMS hangs on Requirement if no mobile number or on archived record

An issue was spotted if you ran the SMS workflow against a Requirement and the associated Contact was 'Archived' or had no mobile number. The overlay would hang and remain frozen on screen. This has now been resolved.


Sprint Review

Work undertaken between: 26/11/19 – 09/12/19

Watch our short video summarising the work undertaken in this sprint.

Runtime: 9:21