Release Notes - 19.05.02

Sprint Goal: Continue with the next phase in the Back Office project by enabling the addition of Timesheets within Colleague 7.

Upgrade Date: 02/06/19



Add Timesheets to Contract/Rolling Contract Placements

This release includes the ability to add, view, edit and/or delete Timesheets on Contract/Rolling Contract Placements.

There are two User Group Permissions in relation to this feature:

  1. Enable Placement Timesheets - which if set to 'Full Access' will show the Timesheets tab option on Contract and Rolling Placements
  2. Add/Edit Placement Timesheets - which if set to 'Full Access' allows the user to add/edit/delete Timesheets from the Placement


The Timesheet will be drawn on the basis of the last timesheet date, the timesheet type (whether Weekly, Monthly 4/5 weeks or Monthly - Calendar) and the selected period end day.

A user will be able to select any assigned PO Numbers against the Placement.

The number of available columns will be drawn based on the number of Rates against the Placement, and a list of the Rates will be shown at the bottom of the Timesheet with their associated monetary values.


Option to View Other User Diary Entries

It is now possible to view the Office 365 calendars of other users on the Diary page
There are two new User Group Permissions:

  • View User Diaries Within Team(s)
  • View All User Diaries

If the user does not have the "View User Diaries Within Team(s)" permission, then the user will only be able to view their own calendar on the Diary page.

If the user has the "View User Diaries Within Team(s)" permission, but not the "View All User Diaries" permission, then when the user loads the Diary page, a dropdown will also appear showing a list of all users in the team(s) that the user is part of (see below).

If the user has both of these permissions, then the dropdown that appears on the Diary page will contain a list of all users in the system (see below). However, only users with a valid Office 365 login will be displayed in the dropdown.

Enabling this feature requires specific Office 365 permissions to be enabled against your account. For more information please contact the Support team.


Diary Start Day Global / User Setting

This release introduces a new global setting (Section = Diary, Description = 'Default start day on Diary'), which lets you define the first day of the week on the Diary.


Default option for Unit of Measure on Rates

This release introduces a global setting (Section = System, Description = 'Default Unit of Measure on Requirement Rates'), which allows a user to define the default UOM (Units of Measure) on Requirement Rates.


Default Experience Job Type

This release introduces a global and personal setting, which allows for a default Job Type to be specified upon manual creation of a new Experience Record under a Candidate, and when creating a 'Work History' Experience Record when parsing a Candidate's CV.


Bug Fixes

Add GDPR checks into the new background process cloud service

The checks for new GDPR consent responses has been moved from the UI into the ConsentWorker role in the BG Service. This resolves the issue whereby GDPR response notifications would only be triggered against the candidate/contact record or on login.


Salary Field failing to update if ending with '.00'

When amending the salary fields, dependant on the way you entered the figures, this did not save. If you clear the whole field and enter your amount, this saved.

However, if the figure ends with '.00' and you remove/changed a figure, the salary did not remember the amendment. 

This issue has been resolved.


Error When Creating Document (using the 'Include Default Document' option)

When creating a document in Colleague 7 (any entity) and using the 'Include Default Document' option to add an existing document. Based on certain .doc file format versions, there was an invalid error which would generate preventing the user from creating the document.

This has now been resolved.


Sprint Review

Work undertaken between: 14/05/19 – 27/05/19

Please watch our short video summarising the work undertaken in this sprint.

Runtime: 15:07