Release Notes - 19.03.01

Sprint Goal: Deliver the next component of the Back Office project by allowing for the record keeping of Bank Details against the Candidate and Company record, whilst continuing to enhance elements of the Search based on client feedback.

Upgrade: 24/03/19



Back Office - Add Bank Details to Candidate & Company

It is now possible to add Bank Details to Candidates and Companies.

There are two new User Group Permissions in Admin - "View Bank Details" and "Add/Edit Bank Details.

"If a user has the "View Bank Details" permission, then "Bank Details" will appear in the View More drop down on Candidate and Company records.

Clicking the "Bank Details" button will reveal a table showing the bank details on that record.
Clicking on a row in this table will display all values for that bank detail. If the user does NOT have the "Add/Edit Bank Details" permission, then all the fields will be read only. If the user does have permission, then the fields will be editable and the changes can be committed by clicking 'Save'.

The Bank Detail can also be deleted by clicking 'Delete' and then clicking 'Yes' on the confirmation alert that appears. Also, if the user has the "Add/Edit Bank Details" permission, then a "Add Bank Detail" will appear in the toolbar of the record.
Clicking this will then show all bank details fields with no value which can be populated and then the new Bank Detail will be added after clicking 'Save'. Please note that Bank Name, Sort Code, Account Number and Account Name are mandatory fields and so must always be populated when adding or editing a bank detail. Also, the combinations of Sort Codes and Account Numbers must always be unique on a record. If you try adding or editing a bank detail where the sort code and account number pair already exists then clicking 'Save' will show a message advising that two bank details are the same.


View Text Feature For History and Notes

This release introduces the option to ‘View Text’ from both history and notes in the 'View Text' panel of the search results screen.


Search > Text Criteria > History Type > Select All Option

When searching by history, by default all histories will be searched, selecting 'Select All' on the history type menu will be either tick or untick all history types.
In addition searches with no specifications will return no results and notes will not be searched unless they're specified.


Add Date Range to Team Overview

This release includes the addition of parameters to the team overview, the overviews date range, team used, and inclusion/exclusion of sub-teams can all be adjusted by an end user (User Group Permissions can be used to allow groups to see either all teams or only teams they're a part of), in addition the report can be set to run automatically and default date ranges/sub-team inclusion can be changed using global or user settings.


Sort By Multiple Columns

Within Search Results (and anywhere in the system that lists data in tables) results may now be sorted by multiple columns, to do so hold SHIFT and click any additional column headers (columns will be sorted in the order they're selected)


Bold The Primary Address on a Company record

Similar to how we bold the default document on the Documents tab, the Primary address against a Company will now appear bold in the list of addresses.

Bug Fixes

Issue Combining Text and Skill Searching

There was an issue with Text Criteria searching, whereby both text and skill searches combines would bring back inaccurate results. This was hotfixed in the sprint.


Issue Updating Last Contacted

This release fixes an issue where the 'Last Contacted' date wasn't being updated on the most recent contact record and instead was being updated against the original contact.


View Selected Records Causes Errors

There were several selection screens which did not offer the ‘View Selected Records’ option (or would error if used). This has now been fixed.


Update Company Invoice Address if you change the Invoice Company

This release fixes an issue on a Placement > Back Office, where updating the invoice/payment company details wouldn't update the form with the invoicing address of the updated company.


Undo Placement Does Not Show Reason In History Text

When you undo a placement the reason for the placement being undone will be mandatory, but within the history log that is created to record the event the reason was missing. This has been resolved.


Requirement Rates - Make Description Mandatory

When adding a Rate to a Requirement, it was possible to not assign a description. This has now been made mandatory.


Requirement > Candidates > Rejecting a Candidate - Rejected By issue

When rejecting a Candidate from a Requirement and specifying the ‘Reject By’ as being either ‘Candidate/Contact/Consultant’ – it would default to ‘Consultant’ regardless of your choice. This has now been resolved.


Sprint Review

Work undertaken between: 05/03/19 – 18/03/19

Please watch our short video summarising the work undertaken in this sprint.

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